Thank you for being a member of Friendly Faces. We would all like to begin our experience here as fast as possible, however, as does any community, be it big or small, there are some guidelines each and every member has to follow.
Enjoy your stay with us.
1. Members should post in a way that is respectful to other users. You can disagree or tease, but keep it civil. If the thread gets out of hand it will be closed.
2. Members are asked to respect the copyright of other users, sites, media, etc. Members linking to or re-printing material without permission, their post will be removed. When you see a picture you like, make sure it does not have copyright on it as it is illegal.
3. Spam, advertising commercial sites is not tolerated here under any circumstance. Members posting spam will be banned.
4. Advertising any websites, chatrooms or forums is prohibited on this forum without the consent of the Administrator. To advertise you need to have posted 50 threads otherwise they are deleted.
5. Rude Private Messages to other members are not tolerated and the writer will be banned.
6. Keep Avatars small and a good size for pictures is 320x240. The idea of this is for people on dial up.
7. No posts with-in 3 months memberships are deleted. We find that if no one posts with-in that time they usually are not going to be an active member.